HRP1003 - Fake Job Board Job Board / HR generalists / Apply HR generalists Personal Information First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone * Country * Postal Code * Professional Details Resume * Resume must be larger than 0 bytes and less than 25 MB. Cover Letter * Cover Letter must be larger than 0 bytes and less than 25 MB. Graduated * Graduated must be larger than 0 bytes and less than 25 MB. Do you have a minimum of 3 years diploma? * Yes No Do you have a valid Driver's License? * Yes No Why should we hire you? * Yes No As a part of Hiring process, Do you consent to a background check ? * Yes No What motivated you to specialize in family law? * Yes No Personal Information What is your experience with Excel Spreadsheets? * Please provide details on your experience using excel * What is your experience in excel? * In what field is your diploma or degree? * How much experience do you have using excel? * How many years experience in sales and distribution? * Are you eligible to work in canada ? * Submit